space. the final frontier.

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Will's Comic Art Page - Features one of the finest selections of original comicbook artwork for sale from the 1940's to present!

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Will Gabri-El
P.O. Box 1156
Merchantville, NJ 08109
(856) 662-6173

[email protected]


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Flash #754 pgs 2-3 double spread (DC, 2020) Reverse-Flash Task Force

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Title: Flash #754 pgs 2-3 double spread (DC, 2020) Reverse-Flash Task Force
Media Type: Pencil and Ink
Art Type: Double Page Spread
Artists: Rafa Sandoval (penciller)
Jordi Tarragona (inker)

Reverse-Flash/Professor Zoom [Eobard Thawne] is the hero of the future, along with his 'Reverse-Flash Task Force' [Hunter Zolomon, Godspeed, Heatstroke, Commander Cold, Golden Guardian, Mirror Monarch and Weather Warlock] finally defeating Paradox at the US Capital Building after a battle through space and time! Rendered in ink over graphite on [2] standard size [11 x 17"] Bristol boards.





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